🎉 We’re glad to let you all know that a new patch is available on Nintendo Switch ! 🎉
Day 1 Patch ?!?
Our much awaited day 1 patch for Nintendo Switch is finally live and available for everyone.
Due to some events beyond our control this patch, that was originally to be made available BEFORE the game shipped, got delayed in transit towards the Nintendo servers.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused as this was of course never out intent.

Actual footage of the moment the day 1 patch decided to take a 2 month detour
What has changed?
This patch improves the overal quality of the game across the board and more noticably adds large performance improvements throughout the game while also improving on the visual quality and fidelity in certain areas!
You can check out a full list of all the changes that come with this patch below:
[Nintendo Switch]
General Changes
- [PERFORMANCE] Improved performance stability across different platforms of the Interactable Objects.
- [PERFORMANCE] Replaced almost all terrains in the game to create massive improvements in performance in certain areas of the game.
- Added a pathfinding fix when using AStar.
- Added some additional checks in the QualitySettingsController so that settings only are applied if something results in a change.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added pooling to most of the destructible gibs.
HUD and UI
- Replaced the intro pauze screen image with the tutorial pauze screen image instead of the black square.
- Removed the Splash Screen Control away from unity in favor of our own start timing in the SplashScreen scene.
- Added localisation support for the level names.
- Fixed some spacing issues with the main menu button texts resulting better readability for all languages.
- Added the Chinese Simplified Translation.
- Added additional safety mechanisms to deal with text icon displays staying as they were when all controllers are disconnected on consoles.
- Adjusted the no glyph found handling to always show the localized action name to ensure a more understandable fallback for the end user than the internal actionid names, even if showactionnames is not enabled.
- Fixed issue where the stars of the save slot would not reset after erasing the slot.
Design and Balance Changes
- Traps
- Turrets
- [PERFORMANCE] Improve performance of the turret trap targeting detection.
- Turrets
- Abilities
- Flame Turrets
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled the last frame passthrough check.
- [PERFORMANCE] Increased the frame spread from 2 frames to 4 frames.
- Spikeslam
- [PERFORMANCE] Added pooling to the gibs and FX.
- Earthbender
- [PERFORMANCE] Added pooling to the gibs and FX.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added a gib optimization to the Earthbender gibs.
- Flame Turrets
- Enemies
- Rocketeers
- Adjusted the rocketeer rockets to now also hit hostile objects instead of flying through them.
- Adjusted the rocketeer rocket to no longer ignore collision with objects marked with the Friendly_IgnoreLaserBlock tag.
- Adjusted the rocketeer rocket explosions to now also damage hostile objects instead of ignoring them.
- Adjusted the rocketeer rocket explosions to no longer ignore dealing damage to objects marked with the Friendly_IgnoreLaserBlock tag.
- Rocketeers
- Traps
Art Changes
- [PERFORMANCE] Improved performance of the crystal minecart particle system.
Audio Changes
- Updated the volume levels of a number of abilities.
- Added missing villain death sounds.
- Added SFX to the technology health switches.
Level Changes
- Tutorial
- Gameplay
- Improved collision on the well in the starting area to keep the player from getting stuck on the roof.
- Gameplay
- HubWorld
- Fixes
- Fixed a minor clipping issue in the hub sand patches.
- Fixes
- 1-1 Shore Island
- Gameplay
- Improved some of the bounding collision to reduce the possibility of getting stuck.
- Fixes
- Fixed an issue where incorrect music would be played in Island01 after checkpoint resetting during the end fight or loading the level to the start of the end fight.
- Fixed a mesh occlusion issue in the pillar puzzle.
- Gameplay
- 1-2 In A Pinch
- Fixes
- Fixed a minor issue with one of the cinematics when triggering the right switch before the left switch in the final arena.
- Optimizations
- [PERFORMANCE] Spread out the spawnload of some of the crabs to reduce single frame spawn frame drops.
- Fixes
- 1-3 Ruined Chase
- Gameplay
- [PERFORMANCE] Removed the courtyard munchy ambushes on low end systems.
- Art
- Reintroduced a number of shadowcasters in the courtyard area on low end devices to fix the lack of visual details when near the center of the area.
- Optimizations
- [PERFORMANCE] Replaced all terrain collision with mesh collision to improve performance throughout the level.
- [PERFORMANCE] Removed some stray piranhas who went for a swim.
- [PERFORMANCE]Added an additional occlusion portal in the staircase climb area.
- [PERFORMANCE]Disabled the planks in the staircase climb on low end platforms.
- Fixes
- Fixed a minor graphical annoyance when checkpoint resetting to the completion of the lower trial.
- Fixed a nasty terrain seam in the lower trial.
- Fixed an issue where the light coming through the hole at the start of the temple wasn’t always being shown during the cinematics.
- Gameplay
- 2-1 Off The Rails
- Gameplay
- Reduced the amount of tommy gunner enemies that come through the laser gate once the powercell has been grabbed from 2 to 1.
- Reduced the amount of simultaneous ninjas that attack the player once the powercell has been grabbed from 3 to 2.
- Reduced the amount of simultaneous tommy gunners enemies that engage with the player once the powercell has been grabbed from 3 to 2.
- Added no friction materials on some geometry on which an enemy could get stuck while falling.
- Art
- Replaced the enemy turret cart gibs. The old version was using gibs from a different minecart. The turret cart now has its own correct set of gibs.
- Updated the enemy turret cart to no longer use the ground turret bases.
- Fixes
- Fixed a light probe issue in the Turret Minecart.
- Adjusted the occlusion trigger position in the minecart starting area to get rid of the very obvious pop-in.
- Gameplay
- 2-2 Steamy Affairs
- Gameplay
- Added a bunch of extra safety RTLSP setups for keys like the fuel cells or rock plugs. If a key manages to be dropped outside an area it is not supposed to be in it will now despawn and respawn at a logical location.
- Enemies from the thumper are now cleaned up correctly after checkpoint resetting.
- Audio
- Added missing audio to the crane sequence and fixed the positionality of the existing audio.
- Added missing audio to the crane laser fence.
- Added missing audio to the elevator flaps.
- Optimizations
- [PERFORMANCE] Added curvy spline optimisations where possible.
- Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the starting area steam jets would visually reactivate after checkpoint reset in the mother thumper area.
- Fixed an issue where the Steampuzzle arena steam jets would reactivate after initial load from save.
- Fixed an issue where part of the world was prematurely culled when standing on the outer edge of the steam elevator platform.
- Fixed an issue where enemies were not being cleaned up correctly after checkpoint resetting after the steam puzzle combat arena.
- Fixed an issue where objects were being prematurely culled when moving in & out of the side branches of the mother thumper area.
- Fixed an issue where the opened door in the transitional section between the steam arena & mother thumper was blocking the player view. It should now dissolve based on opened or closed state.
- Fixed Crane base not blocking/colliding with deployables.
- Fixed RTLSP setups not spawning the player in a suitable position in the mother thumper area.
- Gameplay
- 2-3 The Factory
- Gameplay
- Added ramp flaps on extending bridges + added ramp flaps on elevator to resolve enemies jumping off platforms.
- Tweaked final fight by splitting the encounter in waves + added gradual spawn setup.
- Removed the loot chests on the boss floor and let them spawn in when the fight is completed.
- Added extra camera zone & bounding collision in trash compactor upper area + loot chests.
- Adjusted some of the camera angles at the start of the level 01 side section to improve player comfort during combat. (Mainly to avoid combat being hindered by an overly upwards angled camera and to avoid having angle transitions that are too big). This also fixes a gap between the first area and the second that would cause weird camera behavior when moving through the door as the camera would always transition back to the default camera before blending again to the new camera zone.
- Added camera blend transition setups to parts of the level 01 side track starting area.
- Adjusted some of the camera angles at the start of the level 02 side section to improve player comfort during combat.
- Added cleaner blend setups to the level 02 side section starting area to get rid of all the sudden and jarring camera stops/very obvious blend points. The camera will now feel as one continuous smooth camera throughout the entire area and during the gameplay.
This also fixes a gap between the first area and the second that would cause weird camera behavior when moving through the door as the camera would always transition back to the default camera before blending again to the new camera zone. - Added additional return to last known safe positions in the shredder tunnel.
- Improved camera setup in the steam tunnel.
- Improved the RTLSP in the level02 starting area.
- Replaced the explosive barrel with the fancy smoke plume explosive barrels.
- Improved the RTLSP zone setups in the steam area so you can’t fail forward as easy.
- Added additional bounding collision when the elevators transition to a new floor.
- Art
- Tweaked lowest floor dressing, added 2 platforms from which additional waves can spawn & drop.
- Added some extra particle & post process dressing on the boss floor.
- Reactor cutscenes have been swapped in order + fade times corrected.
- Added some extra metal panel detail, lighting & particles to the steam reactor entrance.
- Added some much needed polish to the reactor meltdown sequence with some post processing, Lighting & FX.
- Improved the clarity of the spotlights in the level 1 side track (removed the light cookie that was causing a lot of visual noise).
- Improved the level intro cinematic .
- Slightly tweaked the elevator shaft entry DOF settings so you can actually see where you are going.
- Improved the camera transition when entering the elevator shaft for the first time.
- Fixed the elevator shaft fog transition.
- Disabled mipmaps and dynamic scaling on the elevator materials for better visual results on the monitors.
- Audio
- Added missing ambient SFX to the level start.
- Added missing SFX to the cranes at the top of the elevator.
- Added missing SFX to the magnetic platforms.
- Added missing sfx in the steam tunnel .
- Added missing sfx on level01 shaft.
- Added sfx to the bridge and elevator flaps.
- Added missing SFX to the time door bridges.
- Added additional SFX to the entry animation.
- Optimizations
- [PERFORMANCE] Reduced audio emitters & Particles on sawblade pit in the shredder tunnel to improve performance on low end platforms.
- [PERFORMANCE] Optimized particles to pause when possible.
- [PERFORMANCE] Optimized all curvy splines.
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled Light Probe Proxy Volumes on Low end Platforms.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added an enable/disable zone to the shredder sawblades to reduce the performance overhead when they aren’t needed.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added TransformAdjuster EnableDisable zones throughout the level.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added enable disable setups to the magnetic platforms.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added enable disable setups to the cranes and lava vats at the start of the elevator.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added enable disable setups to the giant cogwheels.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added enable disable setups in the steam tunnel.
- [PERFORMANCE] Adjusted the occlusion settings to improve performance.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added low system LightProbeVolume disables to improve performance.
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled realtime shadows on a number of light sources.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added cleanup to the start sawblades.
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled a number of animation meshes at the top of the elevator as a performance optimization.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added render optimizations to the elevator top.
- [PERFORMANCE] Reduced the resolution of the Wastelands Boss taunt videos.
- Fixes
- Fixed screen animations triggering again when reaching the final floor.
- Fixed enemies getting stuck on corners of displays / railing corners on the central elevator.
- Fixed Probuilder mesh hole in the world in the platform elevator room before the gearworks reactor.
- Fixed occlusion issue with the smelting cauldron rails in the steamworks entrance.
- Fixed the green light popping on/off in the steamworks entrance.
- Fixed collision edge case issues with the elevator ramp flaps.
- Fixed world detail not rendering when the elevator reactivates in the cutscene.
- Fixed some missing & incorrectly hooked post processing + fog.
- Fixed some FX sparks being active on the reactor before meltdown.
- Disabled Macroculling setup as it doesn’t improve performance. This fixes a single frame level load issue where you can see the silhouette of the level briefly.
- Fixed incorrect optimization setup of the shredder tunnel cogwheels.
- Fixed reset not working on one of the shredder tunnel switches.
- Fixed a number of reset issues with the enable disable zones.
- Fixed a number of occlusion issues.
- Fixed a small collision issue in the gearworks tunnel to improve traversal smoothness.
- Fixed camera setups in the gear and steam generator rooms to ensure the player can’t lose sight of themselves.
- Fixed an issue where collision meshes would become visible after checkpoint resetting.
- Fixed an issue where the sawblade hintbot audio would remain active after dying.
- Fixed an issue where the trash compactor crusher pistons would not properly reset, causing a damage zone to be active.
- Fixed an issue where the trash compactor crusher pistons would play extending sounds for 7 seconds when checkpoint resetting in the shredder tunnel.
- Fixed an issue where you could see enemies pop in in the start sections of the level 1 and level 2 side tracks.
- Fixed an issue where you could see through the bottom of the wall in the start of the level 2 side track area.
- Fixed an issue where you would have a full screen occlusion effect when jumping from the hidden platform in the level 02 side track start area.
- Fixed camera issue in the giant cogwheel area.
- Fixed an issue where the full screen would occlude due to an engine bug.
- Other
- Updated occlusion data, pickup & destructible GUIDs.
- Gameplay
- 3-1 A Minor Deviation
- Gameplay
- Adjusted the spawn settings of the enemies at the start of the CraneArea to ensure that that enemies reach the correct side of the gate in time before the gate closes.
- Improved camera behavior in the cave.
- Optimizations
- [PERFORMANCE] Added the remaining shadowcaster optimizations.
- Fixes
- Fixed some lightbake issues.
- Fixed a minor Z-fighting error in the crane arena.
- Gameplay
- 3-3 Summit Trials
- Gameplay
- Added floaty stairs to the orange dungeon that activate upon opening the cage. This provides an easy way back if the player didn’t destroy the crystal and hasn’t got any suitable movement abilities equipped.
- Wooden platform attachments have been added for the stone columns in the orange platform trial 1st junction so that a platforming route is available to the player when jumping off of the platform.
- Munchy encounters in the green upper area now have wider occupancy checks + timespread & tweaked spawns. This will improve performance, spread the difficulty out & hide the spawning of some enemies near the edge of the screen.
- Restored collision on ice blocks in the drill wall cutscenes, fixing enemies walking through solid ice. Tweaked the Ice chunk landing spots a bit so the collision won’t interfere with the gameplay of the arena.
- Camera shake is now also applied visually when the 2nd crystal is destroyed.
- Adjusted timing of the map marker so it lights up during the cutscene.
- Reduced delay on cinematic chain from 2.0 to 0.5 seconds.
- Added checkpoint listener setup to the logic used for chaining cinematics.
- Enlarged the size of the trigger zone controlling platform movement in the mountain ascend section.
- Updated return stairs for the orange dungeon with extra collision & grid interactors so enemies won’t hide under them and will move around them.
- Adjusted 2nd moving platforming phase to always continue forward and never stop & reverse. Added a second pressure plate to respawn the platform at the peak + added accompanying camera zone.
- Tweaked & smoothed central room exploration camera for the exit tunnel + caged golem focus camera.
- Added a check that will set the green puzzle room in blue activated / retracted platform state if the player checkpoint resets / loads at the left top most position.
- Art
- Cleaned up fog transitions in all drop tunnels.
- Improved some of the fog and postprocessing setups.
- Hooked & tweaked a bunch of fog transitions / post processing setups.
- Updated funky looking terrain mesh in green upper section.
- Tweaked the central room and starting area fog noise scale.
- Audio
- Added audio to dissolving seals.
- Added listeners to caged golem cutscenes so the caged golem is audible during the cutscenes.
- Optimizations
- [PERFORMANCE] Added Pooling for ice rocks in golem lake fight.
- [PERFORMANCE] Spread out spawns in the central room to resolve hitches / frame hangs on lower end platforms + added spawn fx poofs.
- Fixes
- The platform locking logic is now hooked into the movetrack events rather than being controlled by trigger zones. This resolves the platform not locking because the player hasn’t entered the trigger zone, which caused the soft lock.
- Added extra safeties for disabling the cinematic chain wrapper, so the player is always guaranteed to be able to exit the level.
- Disabled macro culling setup as it has no real performance benefit & introduces a one frame bug that is visible on scene load.
- Fixed a visual issue with fake light volumetrics not lining up properly in the right top dungeon drop tunnel.
- Fixed an issue where probuilder effect zones were not properly visually hidden on scene reload due to them being nested under object enable/disable triggers.
- Fixed a visual issue where the purple air vortex tunnel had sunlight inside the tunnel where there shouldn’t be.
- Resolved an occlusion issue in the right purple cage when jumping in the cage entrance + updated culling data.
- Resolved an issue where a camera zone related to combat was active in the central map room tunnel when it shouldn’t be.
- Resolved cinematic chaining issue where the black bars would not fade away after destroying crystals in various particular ways.
- Fixed first platform soft locking because the player tried to unlock the platform before it was locked. The lock is now engaged at the very start (1% track segment) instead of just before the check happens at the corner.
- Resolved fog transitions lingering in cutscenes.
- Fixed single frame visual stutter on cutscene chaining.
- Fixed purple upper area cutscenes not using the correct fog definition.
- Fixed camera shake happening on respawn/checkpoint reset.
- Fixed drop tunnel misconfiguration which caused the drop/impact audio to not be audible.
- Fixed shader rendering issue in the pulse material.
- Fixed issue where the camera would always shake when loading from a save slot.
- Gameplay
- 4-1 Showdown
- Gameplay
- Improved stability of the barrel drops so that they are. less likely to be forced through the floor.
- Optimizations
- [PERFORMANCE] Improved performance of all encounter spawn logic.
- [PERFORMANCE] Replaced the arm damage zones with cheaper variants to improve performance.
- [PERFORMANCE] Reduced the lifetime of the missile salvo particle systems.
- [PERFORMANCE] Increased the Start Speed of the missile salvo particles.
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled parts of the missile salvo particle effects on low end platforms.
- [PERFORMANCE] Changed the boss flamethrower projectile ability to a regular base ability to avoid warning spam.
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled the LastFramePassthrough collision check in both the Boss minigun projectile and flamethrower at bottom projectile.
- [PERFORMANCE] Adjusted flamethrower ability in the second phase to improve performance.
- Fixes
- Fixed incorrect return trigger setup when making the big leap.
- Added correct checkpoint cleanup to ensure all turrets are disabled in the first tunnel section.
- Fixed incorrect checkpoint setup of the destructibles.
- Fixed incorrect cleanup of a number of enemy encounters that could cause performance issues with performance if the player never died.
- Fixed a shader issue with the platform hover particle effects.
- Fixed pickup tracking guids for the entire level.
- Closed a hole in the walls of the treasure sections.
- Fixed an issue where the tunnel was no longer there behind the player.
- Gameplay
- Tutorial
What’s next?
While we were waiting for this Patch to finish it’s travel towards your console we have been hard at work adding further improvements to the game based on the feedback we have received from the players and fixing any potential hickups we might have still uncovered along the way.
Stay tuned and in the meantime we hope you enjoy this update.
-The Trifox Dev Team